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Sustainable, Responsible

& Ethical

Garden Crafts

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Home Crafts


Bespoke Design



About Us

"The things I make may be for others, the way I make them is for me" - Clive Winson.

Winson Woodcraft have been turning wood using a traditional Pole-Lathe for over 20 years and amassed a wealth of experience and skill in creating individual character creations from locally sourced, renewable sources.

We are an independent family run Tree Surgery and traditional crafts business based in Berkshire, England.

We strive to recycle as much of the by-products of our tree work by creating hand-crafted rustic products using both traditional and modern craft and construction methods

The rural skills revival - Before the modern era of fossil fuel in a pre plastic age, we would have looked to the countryside and woodlands in particular to provide the raw product for most of our every day requirements. Until recently the skills of the Bodger, Hurdle maker, and charcoal burner were largely consigned to the realm of antiquity, distant memories of  an age long since gone. Yet now,  the hedgerows, woods and lanes quiet for so long are once again beginning to stir with human activity. Perhaps as an antidote to an overdose of plastics and synthetics together with an increasing interest in conserving the environment there is now a renewed interest in traditional crafts and countryside skills.

Once again products made of real wood from real trees grown here in Britain are being demanded.

Hand made, traditional crafts - Here are some examples of  products we have created, using traditional methods and from wood harvested from sustainable sources. A wide range of our products are available direct from us at local, regional and national farmers markets, craft fairs and festivals. Please ask for details of where you can next see Winson Woodcraft. Postal orders are always welcome.

Trade and bulk orders can be arranged.


The Workshops, Hinton Hatch Cottages, Waltham Road, Hurst, Reading RG10 0LX

©2022 by Winson Woodcraft Ltd.


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